Lion Dr. Ray Jurgensen
I am thinking of the many ways that his absence will be felt by
the Lombard Lions Club. If the Lombard Lions Club is proud of a
full roster, when declining membership in most service
organizations is the norm, I thank Dr. Ray for being the
consummate recruiter.
This was in addition to chairing many committees in his 35 years
as a Lombard Lion.
I have only been a member of the Lions for 20 years, and it
seems that I knew so little of a member who did so much for the
largest service organization in the world. The stories of his
success in fundraising for this cause say volumes about the
generation that preceded mine in their commitment.
I was fortunate to have had him as a professor for my
Ophthalmology course before becoming a Lombard Lion. He was
proud of his profession and we were fortunate to have benefited
from his knowledge and experience.
Melvin Jones said it best over 80 years ago when founding the
Lions Service Organization, "you can't get very far until you
start doing something for somebody else." Dr. Ray, you have made
it far.
A new day is dawning for the Lombard Lions Club and we are
grateful for all you have done, especially for the living legacy
of membership that you have left us that lives on.
Dr. Ernie Turcotte
President -Elect 2004-05
Lombard Lions Club